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5 Myths About Allergies

While many in the Houston area suffer from nasal allergies, there are still a lot of myths and misunderstandings about them. In some cases, the myths are relatively harmless. In others, they can prevent people from getting the relief that they need. By developing a better understanding of what causes your allergies and the best ways to treat them, you can increase your chances of finding lasting relief. Don't be taken in by any of these common allergy myths.

1. If you have allergies, you have allergies for life.

It's common for people to believe that having childhood allergies means having allergies for life. People also often mistakenly believe that allergies are fixed and cannot develop in adults. Neither of these are true across the board. While many kids outgrow their allergies, many others continue to suffer from allergy symptoms even as they age. Many adults, on the other hand, may dismiss allergy symptoms as a passing cold if they have never suffered from allergies before.

2. Allergies are harmless.

Anyone who has allergies has also, at some point, had to put up with someone who thought their allergies were no big deal. Whether it was a boss who wouldn't accept a severe allergy attack as a reason for a sick day or someone who described severe symptoms as "just allergies," it can be very frustrating.Allergies can be very serious on their own. They can also lead to complications like sinus infection that will require additional treatment. By taking allergies seriously, you can minimize your symptoms and the chances of developing additional issues.

3. Eating honey will cure allergies.

Many people mistakenly believe that local honey can help desensitize them to the allergens in their local area. However, this turns out to be more myth than fact. In general, the flowers that bees collect pollen from are not the same ones that are making your eyes red and itchy when San Antonio's worst offenders are in bloom. The pollen that causes allergies typically comes from trees, which are not typically bee-pollinated.

4. Short-haired breeds of pets won't cause allergies; long-haired breeds always will.

When it comes to animal allergies, hair length is not a factor. This is because pet hair or fur are not the allergens; instead, sensitive individuals react to dead skin cells (also known as dander), dried saliva and animal urine. While some breeds are historically less allergenic than others, the differences have nothing to do with the type of fur.

5. There is no treatment for allergies.

Thousands of people have seen their allergy symptoms reduced or completely eliminated after undergoing allergy shots or sublingual immunotherapy with allergy drops. The response does not occur overnight; rather, it occurs gradually over a period of years. With consistent treatment through a three to five year period, however, most people will see a dramatic improvement in their symptoms. In fact, most people see marked relief within the first year.Ready to find lasting allergy relief? We can help. Book an appointment with American Sinus today to discuss the best treatment plan for you.

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5 Myths About Allergies

5 Myths About Allergies

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5 Myths About Allergies

While many in the Houston area suffer from nasal allergies, there are still a lot of myths and misunderstandings about them. In some cases, the myths are relatively harmless. In others, they can prevent people from getting the relief that they need. By developing a better understanding of what causes your allergies and the best ways to treat them, you can increase your chances of finding lasting relief. Don't be taken in by any of these common allergy myths.

1. If you have allergies, you have allergies for life.

It's common for people to believe that having childhood allergies means having allergies for life. People also often mistakenly believe that allergies are fixed and cannot develop in adults. Neither of these are true across the board. While many kids outgrow their allergies, many others continue to suffer from allergy symptoms even as they age. Many adults, on the other hand, may dismiss allergy symptoms as a passing cold if they have never suffered from allergies before.

2. Allergies are harmless.

Anyone who has allergies has also, at some point, had to put up with someone who thought their allergies were no big deal. Whether it was a boss who wouldn't accept a severe allergy attack as a reason for a sick day or someone who described severe symptoms as "just allergies," it can be very frustrating.Allergies can be very serious on their own. They can also lead to complications like sinus infection that will require additional treatment. By taking allergies seriously, you can minimize your symptoms and the chances of developing additional issues.

3. Eating honey will cure allergies.

Many people mistakenly believe that local honey can help desensitize them to the allergens in their local area. However, this turns out to be more myth than fact. In general, the flowers that bees collect pollen from are not the same ones that are making your eyes red and itchy when San Antonio's worst offenders are in bloom. The pollen that causes allergies typically comes from trees, which are not typically bee-pollinated.

4. Short-haired breeds of pets won't cause allergies; long-haired breeds always will.

When it comes to animal allergies, hair length is not a factor. This is because pet hair or fur are not the allergens; instead, sensitive individuals react to dead skin cells (also known as dander), dried saliva and animal urine. While some breeds are historically less allergenic than others, the differences have nothing to do with the type of fur.

5. There is no treatment for allergies.

Thousands of people have seen their allergy symptoms reduced or completely eliminated after undergoing allergy shots or sublingual immunotherapy with allergy drops. The response does not occur overnight; rather, it occurs gradually over a period of years. With consistent treatment through a three to five year period, however, most people will see a dramatic improvement in their symptoms. In fact, most people see marked relief within the first year.Ready to find lasting allergy relief? We can help. Book an appointment with American Sinus today to discuss the best treatment plan for you.