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What You Need To Know About Post-Nasal Drip

Chronic sinus issues have a tendency to lead to post-nasal drip. The causes of sinus issues include allergies, bacterial and viral infections, pregnancy, medications, environmental factors, spicy foods, cleaning products, perfumes, smoking, and autoimmune diseases related to the respiratory tract. There are treatments that are useful for treating post nasal drip, but knowing what this condition is can help with treating it, too.

What is post-nasal drip?

A nasal drip condition occurs when too much mucus is present in the sinuses and begins not only running out the nasal passages continually, but it drips into the back of the throat as well. This can cause coughing, throat irritations and sinus infections. Sometimes a hoarse voice can occur from this condition, making talking difficult. It can also cause an extremely painful ear infection that usually needs pain medication and antibiotics to treat it. With post-nasal drip, mucus is noticeable because it mixes with saliva that the body produces and forms a watery substance. That watery substance is capable of washing harmful substances from the respiratory tract. Some of those substances are dust, dander, pollen, cigarette smoke, chemical fumes from beauty care and cleaning products and mold spores. Without the mixture of saliva and mucus, irritating or even harmful substances can wreak more havoc on the body, causing serious health issues and respiratory illnesses that can lead to long term chronic disorders. Some of those respiratory conditions are asthma and COPD. Thankfully, there are post nasal drip treatments that are effective at treating this nasal condition. Some of them are natural home remedies while others are prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs. At times, all it takes to relieve post-nasal drip is removing particular irritants from an environment if possible. Consider installing an air-purifying machine for your home or workplace that cleanses the air of allergens and fumes that cause irritation to the respiratory system. Humidifier and vaporizing systems can help, too.

How to stop post-nasal drip

There are many medications and home remedies that can help relieve dripping from the back of your nasal cavities. What works best for one person, may not work best for another, so you may have to do some experimenting to see what brings you relief.

Are there ways to help prevent the condition?

Again, installing an air-purifying machine and/or humidifying system to a home or business can help not only relieve post-nasal drip, but it can also help prevent it. Keeping homes free and clean from dust particles and dust mites helps as well. In order to keep homes free of mites and dust, regular washing of bedding needs to occur often as well as vacuuming and dusting. Other ways to help prevent drip include switching beauty care products as well as household cleaning products to organic, all-natural ones that do not contain perfumes or harsh chemicals. Quitting smoking is helpful, too, and to your health in general.

American Sinus Institute

When post nasal drip conditions are severe and none of the above treatments are helpful for finding relief or solving the health issue, balloon sinusplasty – as offered by the American Sinus Institute – may help. For more information on balloon sinuplasy or post-nasal drip, please visit ASI.

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