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How Texas Weather Can Affect Your Allergies

The heat and humidity in Texas can leave you sweaty and dripping, running indoors to find relief. However, a desire to be inside with the air conditioning is not the only effect of Texas weather. As anyone with sinus or allergy symptoms knows, Texas weather can lead to big Texas allergies.

Humidity and Allergies

Hot and muggy days can make it a lot harder to breathe. This can be especially true for people with allergies. The high temperatures can also mean that your body is working a lot harder to keep cool, making other physical processes more difficult.People whose nasal passages are blocked because of sinus inflammation will be especially prone to breathing difficulties during humid weather. You may also find that you have problems breathing during the heat if you suffer from asthma.

Indoor Allergy Issues

While high humidity can be an issue, some of the solutions for it can be just as bad for allergy sufferers. If you spend a lot of time indoors avoiding outdoor weather, you can wind up exposing yourself to air that is too dry. And, it is not uncommon to bring outdoor allergens in. Pollen and dander, for instance, can hitch a ride on air currents and clothing, then settle on furniture and bedding. Changing clothes when you get home and using high-quality filters on your home's HVAC units can reduce the chance of encountering allergens when you are indoors.

High Temperatures and High Pollen Counts

In other parts of the country, allergy sufferers get a reprieve during the colder winter months. Here in Texas, our growing seasons last year-round. As a result, there is nearly always something blooming and releasing pollen into the air.Pollen counts for some allergens are still somewhat seasonal. Certain allergenic trees, for instance, usually bloom in the winter. Grasses release pollen in spring. Ragweed blooms in late summer and early fall. Learning which types of pollen you are most susceptible to can make it easier to stay comfortable throughout the year.During high pollen count times of the year, try staying indoors during the day and engaging in outdoor activities after dark. Pollen counts and wind levels drop at night, which means that you are less likely to suffer from pollen-related allergy attacks.

Damp Climates and Mold

Pollen is not the only allergen that can cause allergy sufferers misery. Mold is also a very common trigger for Texas allergies. Mold spores are nearly always present in just about every environment. These spores linger unseen until they find the right combination of moisture and warmth and can grow.During heavy rains, there is almost always dead vegetation that can be a host to allergenic mold and mildew. Inside homes, mold finds hospitable growing environments in damp cellars and in closets, crawlspaces and even bathrooms with inadequate ventilation.If you are suffering from frequent allergy attacks, we can help. Our doctors have years of experience diagnosing and treating allergies. Get in touch with us today to learn more about your options.

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