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Surprising Indoor Allergy Triggers

When people think of nasal allergies, they usually connect them to either pollen or pets. However, some individuals regularly suffer from the characteristic sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms of allergies without exposure to either. In these cases, they may be suffering one of the many surprising triggers of indoor allergies. These indoor allergy triggers can include any of the following:

1. Pet rats, rabbits, hamsters or mice

Many people believe that only dogs and cats cause allergic reactions. Many people are sensitive to a far wider range of common pets, though. If someone in your household has a pet of any kind, you may wind up having reactions to their dander.

2. Mold

Mold spores are everywhere. These particles just need a little exposure to water to begin to grow and multiply. While many people are afraid of "toxic black mold," the truth is that many types of mold can cause nasal allergy symptoms in someone who is susceptible. Mold can hide in bathrooms, basements, closets and other areas of your home undetected, causing indoor allergies when someone is exposed.

3. Horse hair

If you don't own a horse, how would you be exposed to horse hair? Many people are surprised to learn that this substance was once a common upholstery stuffing. If you have recently purchased an antique sofa or stuffed chair, there is a chance that it is stuffed with horse hair.

4. Pollen

Pollen doesn't stop outside your front door. It can float inside your home on air currents or hitch a ride on clothing. Frequently worn but less frequently washed items like jackets, backpacks and purses are a common vector for pollens to get indoors. People who suffer from allergies should be very consistent about frequent laundering during pollen season.

5. Your pillow

The pillow you sleep on is probably not made from substances that trigger your allergies. However, it can harbor a wide range of allergens. If you have a cat, she may choose your pillow as a favorite lounging place, leaving behind large amounts of dander. You may deposit pollen and other allergens on it yourself when you put your head on it each night. Then, while you are sleeping, you inhale the allergens that have been put right next to your nose and mouth. People who wake up feeling stuffy and congested may be exposed to allergens overnight while they sleep.

6. Household cleaning products

Researchers are still investigating the role of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor allergies and asthma. Their findings so far seem to indicate that VOCs in household cleaning chemicals, scented candles and other substances used indoors may exacerbate allergy symptoms. While you may not be allergic to the chemicals in your cleaning products, they may be making your reaction to allergy triggers worse.

Get Allergy Relief

Acute sinusitis plays a role in the severity of your allergy symptoms. If you suffer from nasal allergies on a regular basis, treatment for sinusitis can help reduce inflammation and keep nasal passages clear. We offer several treatment options that can help. Get in touch today for a consultation.

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Surprising Indoor Allergy Triggers

Surprising Indoor Allergy Triggers

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Surprising Indoor Allergy Triggers

When people think of nasal allergies, they usually connect them to either pollen or pets. However, some individuals regularly suffer from the characteristic sneezing, runny nose and other symptoms of allergies without exposure to either. In these cases, they may be suffering one of the many surprising triggers of indoor allergies. These indoor allergy triggers can include any of the following:

1. Pet rats, rabbits, hamsters or mice

Many people believe that only dogs and cats cause allergic reactions. Many people are sensitive to a far wider range of common pets, though. If someone in your household has a pet of any kind, you may wind up having reactions to their dander.

2. Mold

Mold spores are everywhere. These particles just need a little exposure to water to begin to grow and multiply. While many people are afraid of "toxic black mold," the truth is that many types of mold can cause nasal allergy symptoms in someone who is susceptible. Mold can hide in bathrooms, basements, closets and other areas of your home undetected, causing indoor allergies when someone is exposed.

3. Horse hair

If you don't own a horse, how would you be exposed to horse hair? Many people are surprised to learn that this substance was once a common upholstery stuffing. If you have recently purchased an antique sofa or stuffed chair, there is a chance that it is stuffed with horse hair.

4. Pollen

Pollen doesn't stop outside your front door. It can float inside your home on air currents or hitch a ride on clothing. Frequently worn but less frequently washed items like jackets, backpacks and purses are a common vector for pollens to get indoors. People who suffer from allergies should be very consistent about frequent laundering during pollen season.

5. Your pillow

The pillow you sleep on is probably not made from substances that trigger your allergies. However, it can harbor a wide range of allergens. If you have a cat, she may choose your pillow as a favorite lounging place, leaving behind large amounts of dander. You may deposit pollen and other allergens on it yourself when you put your head on it each night. Then, while you are sleeping, you inhale the allergens that have been put right next to your nose and mouth. People who wake up feeling stuffy and congested may be exposed to allergens overnight while they sleep.

6. Household cleaning products

Researchers are still investigating the role of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor allergies and asthma. Their findings so far seem to indicate that VOCs in household cleaning chemicals, scented candles and other substances used indoors may exacerbate allergy symptoms. While you may not be allergic to the chemicals in your cleaning products, they may be making your reaction to allergy triggers worse.

Get Allergy Relief

Acute sinusitis plays a role in the severity of your allergy symptoms. If you suffer from nasal allergies on a regular basis, treatment for sinusitis can help reduce inflammation and keep nasal passages clear. We offer several treatment options that can help. Get in touch today for a consultation.