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Allergies | Sinuses

How does extreme heat affect rhinitis?

Increased temperatures may affect allergic diseases like hay fever and change the seasonality and pollen concentration. According to recent studies, extreme heat events will probably become more frequent, more intense, and last longer in the coming decades due to climate change.

Chronic rhinitis, which is characterized by nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and itching, is brought on by an inflammatory reaction to seasonal allergens. Hay fever is frequently misdiagnosed, poorly treated, and undertreated. Seasonal exposure to weed, grass, or tree pollen is one of hay fever's causes and triggers.

Seasonal allergies tend to worsen by the summer heat's proven ability to spread pollen and mold spores. Many people may experience discomfort from these minuscule items and particles. Allergens can easily float from anywhere inside or outside your home when the air is warmer and more humid. This includes public areas like flowerbeds and lawns as well as any nearby grasses, weeds, trees, and plants. As a result, when the summer heat arrives, many of us experience uncontrollable allergies.

How to handle seasonal allergies: 

It's time to get treated if you notice that your allergies are getting out of control and ruining your summertime activities. At Aspire, we provide multiple treatments that provide long-term relief. 

Allergy shots - 

Seasonal and environmental mold, pollen, and dust allergies can be treated with allergy shots. In the clinic, allergy shots are given either weekly or monthly. For many people, they're an excellent choice. 

Asthma Drops - 

Dust, pollen, and mold allergens are also treated with allergy drops. They are made specifically to treat your allergies and are as effective as allergy shots. There is no need to stress about missing appointments while on summer vacation because allergy drops are designed to be taken at home or on the go. 

Rhinitis may occasionally be relieved with medication. However, surgery may be an option to improve breathing if medication alone cannot offer relief. Balloon sinuplasty is a specialty of the American Sinus Institute, which serves patients in San Antonio and throughout Texas. Contact our board-certified physicians in Otolaryngology to find out how balloon sinuplasty can help relieve your sinus problems.

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